Saturday, April 21, 2012

Towns on a highway, moments of our lives.

Most of our lives are a series of images, they pass us by like towns on a highway. But sometimes a moment stuns us as it happens and we know that this instant is more than a fleeting image. We know that this moment, every part of it, will live on forever. - Lucas Scott (Chad Michael Murray), One tree hill.


With the seasons changing, it brings back memories. Memories from past summers. The things you remember, good and bad. Those moments that made you feel alive. The moments that made you stop and think, that this is the real thing, this is what life is supposed to feel like. I don't know why summer, more than other seasons has this effect. Maybe it's the long nights, the feeling of freedom, and the times spent with loved ones. 
Soon it's here again. :) 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"the good life"

A friend of mine had posted this video on facebook, and now I want to share it with you. This is really what life is all about, isn't it? Sometimes we forget, or lose track of what's important in life, so let's take this as a little reminder.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This morning I woke up more tired than in a long time. I got up, way too late. Then hurried making myself ready. Didn't have time for brekky. So I run out the door, so I at least would have time to make a pit stop at the store only to notice that I have forgot my wallet when I reach the cashier. So I continue, now running cause my pit stop caused me to be even more late. A whole ay at work without my morning coffee, and to top it off, a school night with tons of new things.

So when I finally now got home, and found a little surprise, I probably looked about like this:

What was waiting for me was my favorite flowers, and whats even better; LIGHT in the walk-in closet. I mean we've had light there, but now the light fixture with spotlights had been put up.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cupcake sunday!

Today has been a sunny day. A good day for cupcakes. 

My favorite cupcakes right now are TEA CUPCAKES:

2,5 dl tea (use 2-3 bags of tea of your own choice and 2,5 dl boiling water)
3,5 dl flour
2 tbsp potato starch
1,75 dl sugar
1,5 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla sugar
1 dl melted margarine
(if you want you can also add some lemon or orange zest)

Heat the owen to 175°. Boil the tea water and let the tea steep for 10-20 min, and let it cool down well afterwards.
Mix together all the dry ingredients. Then add the tea and melted margarine and mix together all the ingrediens until it's smooth. Then fill the cupcake cups, but leave them some room to rise. Bake in the owen for about 18 min, until nothing sticks to the toothpick anymore. Let them cool.

As frosting you can use whatever you want, but my absolute favorite is CREAM CHEESE FROSTING:

55 g cream cheese
55 g unsalted butter
2-2,5 dl powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar

Beat together the softened cream cheese and butter with an electric mixer. Then slowly mix in the powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.

Let the cupcakes cool down a bit before adding the frosting.



So let's all keep on riding our bicycles and moving on and welcome the spring and summer with open arms (since it today seems like it's finally reached Helsinki as well). And I need a new bike also, my old one got stolen.